
At the heart of our Pocket Picked It lies a commitment to making the world a bit more interesting and enjoyable with our creatively designed home things. Constantly evolving our designs and techniques, we strive to make our products even better and more accessible to everyone. Our process often involves happy accidents and unexpected discoveries, fueling our passion and leading to products that delight and inspire. Each design journey begins with a simple sketch, carefully considering how our creations will interact with their surroundings and the impact they will leave behind.


Balancing good design with sustainable, ethical manufacturing is crucial to us. We work hard to ensure our creations are both affordable and eco-friendly, using top-notch materials while keeping prices fair. Our products are crafted using a plant-based polymer, ensuring they leave zero environmental impact when disposed of.

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PLA (Polylactic acid)

PLA is sourced from a variety of renewable sources like cornstarch, sugar cane, or cassava. Ours specifically is corn-based, making it recyclable. biodegradable, and commercially compostable.
It consumes 65% less energy than traditional virgin plastic during production.
Being derived from renewable sources, PLA biodegrades into harmless organic compounds, leaving no harmful traces for our planet.


Our commitment to sustainability extends to our manufacturing process. We employ earth-conscious practices and ethical manufacturing methods to minimize our carbon footprint. With each step, we strive to create products that not only enhance your life but also contribute positively to the planet.

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3D Printing

3D printing, classified as additive manufacturing, operates by precisely depositing filament to construct objects rather than subtracting materials or using injection molds, as seen in traditional methods. Specifically, our approach, known as FDM (Fuse Deposition Modeling), resembles continuously squeezing a glue gun to build layers of an object. Interestingly, this technology was patented in the late 80s, but its accessibility dramatically increased after the patent expired, fostering a community of enthusiasts and making production methods available to a wider audience.

What it means for production

One of the most exciting aspects of utilizing 3D printing is its ability to swiftly transform a design concept into a tangible product, enabling rapid implementation of changes and feedback.
Unlike traditional methods like injection molding, which incur significant financial and environmental costs due to bulk orders and mass production requirements, 3D printing offers us the flexibility to experiment with designs and deliver products to you with unprecedented speed.
By handling production in-house, we ensure a seamless process from design to product in your home within weeks, rather than months or years. Additionally, we meticulously ensure that our designs leverage the unique advantages of 3D printing, both in functionality and form.